WIB National Newsletter February 2023

Hello WIB Community,

This month we are covering two important topics: the celebration of Black History Month and the impact that Black and African American women have had on our society, and we are also looking deeper into Equity and what it means for women of color in STEM and the life sciences.

Equity is the idea that resources must be allocated based on each individual having a different set of circumstances that affect their access to opportunities and resources. Whether it’s in school, at work, in doctor’s offices, or at home, women worldwide are fighting for equitable access to decision-making spaces every day. Although there is no one way for everyone to implement equitable practices, the first step we can all take is acknowledging that imbalances exist, and it’s up to each one of us to take small steps toward a more equitable future for all.

Women In Bio is committed to championing the importance of equitable access to decision-making spaces for all women. We hope you join us in empowering each other to create a better future.

Happy reading,

Read the March 2023 Newsletter.

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